Greater Accra Vs Central vs Western; Which Region has the best beach resorts in Ghana?
Beach Resorts are undeniable luxuries for anyone. At least, for those who have experienced the ‘mini paradise’ of a plush beach resort in Ghana, the story is left better imagined.
Some say it is a holiday thing. It teams up perfectly with beach activities; the end of which includes lunch at the resort and maybe, fingers crossed, a night or two’s reservation. For others, it is the usually weekend get-away. To have fun, the weekend is the doyen and a beach resort, the ultimate destination. Others, still, see beach life and patronising the best beach resorts in Ghana as everyday activities. It is part of the daily move-arounds for which the day is incomplete without. Oh yes, beach resorts are life for many.
As the pleasure goes, so does the quality. Novices like us will gape at a top class beach resort in Ghana: the sights, a thing to behold. Meanwhile, some will be so used to the luxury that, it feels like their homes. Interestingly, the resorts focus on pleasure utmost, to the extent that a facility that will otherwise be priced like a 4 or 5-star hotel offers exclusive deals added to very cheap room rates.
But, novice or expert or in-between, the ability to pick out a top quality beach resort is an inherent trait most people possess. As my grandma used to say, ‘Beautiful is beautiful everywhere, it does not change with migration’. She said it in Twi though.
The Genesis of the “which region has the best beach resorts in Ghana” debate was friendlier than the keener almost ‘brutal’ ones we have today. Certainly, these resorts are springing up in dozens by the day. Each day, one region has one more thing for its resorts over the others. To the extent that some regions that have no beaches or were not resorts inclined have caught the fever. They too brag today when best beach resorts in Ghana are mentioned.
However, over and above all the cosmetics that the ‘best beach resorts in Ghana’ fight produce, the Greater Accra, Western and Central Regions stand tallest when contenders for Region with best beach resorts are called. A few others try, but the best beach resorts in Ghana award will be won of one of these. Likely! The question is: which one of them?
Let’s analyse what each region has, present their cases and maybe bring finality to an aging debate. You are the jury for this matter!
Greater Accra Region Beach Resorts
The popularity of the region is the strongest argument of the Greater Accra Region. Not only is Accra the most popular, suburbs and other major towns like Tema, Ada and Prampram ring a bell all over the diaspora.
Being the region that houses the capital city of Ghana, the presence of the best resorts in Ghana there will be no surprise. What will be a surprise to many is how the region has transformed this analogy into a real-time happening. It has taken the concept from only Accra to every town it finds along the coast.
The added advantage is that the population of the region supports patronage of these beach resorts, so much so that, it is moving from being a luxury to a necessity.
The business minds agree with this trend.
Top beach resorts in the Greater Accra Region, Ghana include: Aqua Safari Resort, Tsarley Korpey Beach Resort and Legacy Tribe Resort
Central Region Beach Resorts
The most beautiful beaches in Ghana can be found in the Central Region. That, many tourists agree to. In a few instances when the comparisons have been made on beaches in Ghana, Cape Coast ruled. Inhabitants are quick to remind everyone that of all the beaches with proclaimed best beaches in Ghana, it was a beach in the Central Region that the former President of the US preferred to tour.
In terms of Tourist facts, the Central Region is in a ‘comfortable lead’. Yet, we cannot point our hands to something definite it wields. It is a natural. The figures show that tourists stay longer in the region. If they are staying longer, the hotels especially the beach resorts in the region must be doing very well. After all the beaches have a big part to place in the beauty of the resorts. On any given day, the resorts in Elmina, Saltpond or Cape Coast will be full of foreigners.
Entertainment and hospitality will forever thank the region.
Top beach resorts in the Central Region, Ghana include: Elmina Beach Resort, Alberta's Palace Beach Resort and Weda Ocean View Resort
Western Region Beach Resorts
Beach Resorts mean fun; a pleasure which only good investment brings. And plenty of those is transforming the Western Region into a paradise. More and more corporate enterprises are finding out that investing along this line is the way to go.
Evidently, all work and no fun does not get the job done right. So it has become an internal competition between the firms and a benefit to the Western Region. Beach Resorts now line up the coastline of the Western Region with plenty more to come from the looks of it.
Daily, it is clearer and clearer that beach resorts have a future in the West. The relaxation a beach resort brings is unparalleled. After all the stress that goes into working in Western Region industries, beach resorts are a yes yes yes! That is why for now and the future the beach resorts that are established in the Western Region are increasingly exquisite and warming.
Investors do not find anything better.
Top beach resorts in the Western Region, Ghana include Axim Beach Resort and Hotel, Lou Moon Lodge and Best Western Atlantic Hotel.
You may want to take some time to ponder over the facts and collates your marks. This time, we need a winner!
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