Flying everywhere; Why you can’t miss the Kwahu Easter Paragliding Festival 2017

As usual, Ghanaians will cash in on this once-in-a-year opportunity. The farms will produce some appealing foodstuffs which the farmers will not hesitate to display for sale in every space available in Kwahu. The foodstuffs especially fruits are so eye-catching that it gives a little justification to why both Eve and Adam were unable to resist the serpent temptation in Biblical old.

In the largely subtle Ghana culture, one will wonder where at all such a daring intrigue-coated idea came from. I am talking about the Kwahu Easter Paragliding Festival. And to think that, it was not even humble to remain just an event.

The Kwahu Paragliding festival underwent the fastest metamorphosis to become that grand festival it is known for. The pomp and pageantry that greets this festival today is best experienced and not described.

Ghana Tourism’s trump card

The Kwahu  Easter Paragliding Festival is a master tourist attractor to Ghana. When Easter approaches, certainly the chicks come to roost, bees hum-dance to the hive and tourists are found all over Kwahu. Well, Kwahu is money bank for the tourism sector of Ghana. If harnessed well, Kwahu and Paragliding can begin pulling back bags of what the colonial masters took from Ghana as gold. I dare say!

The Town

Kwahu is a traveller’s home! Some of the fascinating people you will meet in a lifetime are the Kwahu people. Hospitality in this town is a trademark. Like the people, the gods in Kwahu must be very friendly too. If not, then they really have huge ear guards to protect them from all the noise the excitement the Kwahu Easter Paragliding Festival exudes. Or else, their anger is just a few degrees from volcano erupting levels. It is sufficing to say that if this festival has been a regular yearly for over 10 years without a glitch, then the gods are comfortable with us.
Kwahu Mountains Credit: the Synergy Centre


Paragliding itself is a breathtaking activity. Unfortunately, there is no room for height-phobia when it comes to Paragliding. It is up, up, up all the way. This sport takes pilots and spectator to over 2000 feet above the launch. Every year, seasoned pilots from the United States, Germany and Japan increase both the number of pilots and the excitement the experience brings. They call something -tandem passenger, hanger paraglider, solo pilot, the launch and so on. These are terms that are explained on site and not with this pen of mine; pardon me. That is not all, hiking and biking through the Kwahu ridge spice up the festival even more.

Other Businesses in the Area

Restaurants and Hotels in Kwahu are other businesses that do not shy away from reaping the benefits of this bumper season. Their best are offered at Easter as compared to other times of the year and the reason for this is clear. Local tour guides, as well as travel and tour companies, also do brisk business during the Kwahu Easter paragliding festival.
Easter dd.jpg
Some hotels even go to the extent of creating travel packages that include a trip to the Kwahu Mountains. Beige Village Golf Resort & Spa, in particular, offers an unbelievable Easter vacation package in this regard.

The Philanthropy

The Kwahu Easter Paragliding Festival does not leave Kwahu empty. In fact, through the help of NGOs locally and internationally, various aspects of the town are improved. To the extent that some lucky students are enjoying full-time scholarships from the Cloud base initiated Ghana Paragliding Fund. This is a step in the right direction, you will say?
Flying Everywhere
Let us say a very big Amen to the 17.5% reduction in the fares for local flights. Kudos to the government of Ghana. The journey is made sweeter still with some of the cheapest flights from Jumia Travel. As if that is not enough, 20% and 30% vouchers for flights within Ghana are flying all over. It looks like flying will be commensurate of Easter this year if you are thinking like I am thinking.

Theme for the Kwahu Easter Paragliding Festival 2017

The theme for the Kwahu Easter paragliding Festival this year says “to maximise Ghana’s tourism potential to enhance the sector’s contribution to the economy.”

Why wait? Kwahu Easter Paragliding Festival 2017 takes place from the 14th to the 16th of April 2017 at Kwahu. Book your Kwahu hotel for the best rates this Easter on Jumia Travel. Sing with me, “I believe I can fly" and let’s go Paragliding!! Onaaaaapo!


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